100-Day Sprint

This page will be a description of the 100-Day sprint that I will be doing from mid-August 2023 until the end of November.  The goal is to effectively launch a sustainable digital marketing agency in those 100 days that will exceed my current employment income.

I have been inspired by a number of marketers who have done this, either in 90 days or roughly thereabouts. 

I will add the names, and maybe links to their stories here shortly. Their stories ar remarkable and they have publicly journaled their process every day along the way.

I am keeping a private blog of my journey on blogger that I will write short briefs to daily.  The goal is to not only look back on my journey, but to create a public writing of my process including my wins, losses, inspiration and dejections.

I had planned to do it publicly as I went and even started the website at 100day.agency.  But I felt I’m already too overwhelmed to take on something like that, especially while I still work a full-time job and other responsibilities. I do plan on using that site in the future to document and help others grow their own agencies.  

So, look for more to come on this page
